Everything you've ever wanted to know about water and healthy hydration

Water is an amazing resource. We can swim in it, bathe in it, drink it, freeze it and use it to cool our drinks – it's uses are endless!

Water is also an important resource. In fact, over 60% of your body is made of water. Your brain, the incredible organ that helps you think, is made of 73% and that pair of spongy, air-filled organs (also known as lungs) are made of 83% water.

You get the idea: we need water, To give you a better idea of the valuable resource, we're going to give you an education on water. 

Hydration 101

We'll be covering three categories within hydration.




Discover the benefits of water, learn why it's important to drink water, and discover what electrolytes are.

Hydration Knowledge

We've established that water is important. To help you make the most of this knowledge, we're going to give you all the information you need to implement this information.

The Benefits of Drinking Water
The Importance of Drinking Water
What Are Electrolytes?
Water bottle floating in water

Can you prevent a cold by drinking more water? Is sparkling water good for you? And should you drink water while consuming alcohol? Find out below.

Staying Hydrated

Now that you understand the important role water plays in hydration, let's uncover how you can stay hydrated. 

Can Drinking Water Prevent a Cold?
The Benefits of Sparkling Water
The Importance of Drinking Water While Consuming Alcohol

Just like you and me, a man's best friend needs to stay hydrated. Learn how to keep your pets hydrated and the benefits of a reusable water bottle.

Hydration Tips

Water is a wonderful resource. We can swim in it, bathe in it, drink it, freeze it and use it to cool our drinks – it's uses are endless!

Water is also an important resource. In fact, over 60% of your body is made of water. Your brain, the incredible organ that helps you think, is made of 73% and that pair of spongy, air-filled organs (also known as lungs) are made of 83% water.

You get the idea: we need water, To give you a better idea of the valuable resource, we're going to give you an education on water. 

How to Keep Your Pet Hydrated
Benefits of a Steel Water Bottle
How to Clean a Reusable Water Bottle